Seeking to transport automobiles and trucks more efficiently as production numbers nationwide increased, railroads began to look for alternatives to boxcar transportation in the 1950's. A new style of car was developed specifically to carry automobiles using a flatcar with racks mounted on it similar to early auto transport trucks. This type of car continued to evolve into the 1960's and '70's, increasing capacity as well as ease of loading/unloading. By the 1970's, autoracks had grown to 89' in length with either three tier racks or two tier depending on the type of vehicle carried. Beginning in 1974, racks were wrapped entirely in metal panels with door closures on each end in order to make access to the vehicles much harder, prohibiting vandalism during transit. The last adaptation soon followed as cars were given a full length roof. Fully enclosed autoracks have been used exclusively since the elimination of most open side and open top autoracks by the late 1980's.
InterMountain Railway produces a model of the bi-level style of autorack. This style of car typically handles SUV's, mini-vans, and small pickup trucks from manufacturing facilities to distribution sites in both solid unit trains as well as less-than trainload cuts. These colorful cars can be seen in service throughout North America.
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